National Vs International School: Which Is Best Suited For Your Kid?

As parents, we all want to take care of our children as best as we can. Not only do we want to give them everything they desire in the present, but also ensure that their future is secure. And for that, most parents start saving right after the birth of their child. But the best thing you can do to secure their future is to make sure they are given the best education possible. Most parents are aware of this, however, the plethora of schools to choose from makes it difficult. You can either enroll your children in a National school or choose one of the top international schools. Is there any difference between the two? If yes, which one is suited for your kid? Read on ahead to know more about the topic.

  • Curriculum

A national school often follows a curriculum that is relevant to the country it is based in. On the other hand, international schools offer a curriculum there is more global and gives the children an easier avenue to become global citizens right from a young age.

  • Language

It is no surprise that English is often considered the language of communication when it comes to the global professional world. While national schools may offer quality education, there is a chance it may be in a local language and English may be their second or third language. That isn’t the case in international schools in India, they use English as the language of learning.

  • Size of the classroom

It is common knowledge that the best international schools in India offer better facilities, but did you know that they are also very conscious about the size of the classrooms? They believe that having too many kids in the classrooms hinders their growth. So unlike national schools, international schools in Mumbai keep their class size small.

  • Career opportunities

While it is true that if you put in the right effort into your studies, your future will without a doubt be better, a nudge in the right direction also helps. Due to the global exposure it offers, career opportunities for students from international schools are at times much better.

  • Personal growth

While national schools are focused on the curriculum, International schools give equal importance to studies and extracurricular activities. This ensures overall growth.

At the end of the day, choosing the school is a personal decision. But if you were to ask for our opinion, we would recommend choosing one of the international schools in India.

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